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President's Message



Howard Clarke

As I write this, the warm days of summer seem to be arriving late once again and previous frost warnings were a reminder of winter’s last gasp. Since the ice melt and excessive rains in April, Mountain Lake level has fluctuated but there has been no threat of flooding at any time since then.


As our Association begins its forty-fifth year of activity, the major concern right now for all residents in Haliburton County is the sudden closing of the Emergency Department at the Minden Hospital. Your Board of Directors has made a substantial financial contribution to the legal funding initiative that is now involved in the attempt to reverse this unfair and unjust decision. For further information you can visit “Minden Matters” Save the Minden ER at


Once again I would like to thank all Mountain Lake members for your donations and your loyalty to the Association by keeping your annual membership up to date. Our funds, in part, are used for donations to support local charities, the arts and any legal emergencies as I explained above. Just a reminder that your membership can now be renewed and paid via our website


The Annual Members Meeting will be held on Saturday June 24 and we are planning to hold our Golf Tournament and Picnic/swim again this year. Details of these events can be found on our website and Facebook pages.


If you would like to help out by volunteering for any of these events please feel free to contact me or any Board member at any time.


In closing, let us continue to support our local charities and businesses throughout Haliburton County and have a safe and healthy summer here at the Lake.


Best Regards,


Howard Clarke



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