Here you will find all pertinent information regarding becoming a member of the MLPOA and why membership is a key step in supporting your lake community.
Why Become a MLPOA Member
The Mountain Lake Community consists of close to 250 properties. Joining the association is completely voluntary, but with continued annual support of the association new and old opportunities can thrive. Member support allows for the association to expand its involvements, activities, initiatives in the interest of all property owners and for the preservation of our lake.
Please contact a director if you would like to volunteer.
MLPOA Currently Supports and Sponsors:
Bi-annual newsletters
Voting privileges at the Annual Members' Meeting
Lake water quality testing and invasive species monitoring
Maintenance of the Judge Jordan Road Boat Launch
Insurance premiums for MLPOA activities
Partnerships/communication with organizations pertinent to our lake’s future (municipal, provincial and federal) e.g. CHA. FOCA, CEWF, Lake Steward Program, Loon Watch Program
Support of local charities including an annual donation to the Minden food bank
A Lake Swim, a fun-filled Family Picnic at the Boat Launch with food and refreshments served by dedicated volunteers, and the ever-popular Annual Golf Tournament and barbeque
Active executive and committees working on your behalf
Access to members-only website pages